Divorces and separations can be messy, so many couples who are in the process of separating or divorcing use family court mediation to help resolve issues such as alimony, property division, child custody, and child support. Mediation can be either voluntary or court-ordered, and the duration of a family mediation will depend on several factors, including the number and complexity of the custody issues and the parties’ willingness to reach an agreement. Family mediation allows individuals to tailor their agreement in ways that aren’t possible if they go to trial. Unfortunately, family law courts are far too busy to devote significant time and attention to each custody case; thus, a family court judge is typically not in the position to consider the details of each particular case in the same way a mediator can. A mediator will take the time to listen to unique circumstances and develop creative solutions for parties to consider. At Rochen Mediation, our goal is to streamline the divorce process.